Silks NFT brings a collection of 10,000 Silks Genesis Avatars in race suits, existing patiently in the Silks Metaverse. This project by Game of Silks ruptures the boundaries of NFT folklore by bridging the gap between the real world and the crypto world.

The rich and diverse Metaverse of the Silks NFT comes with Avatars, Horses, Lands, and Stables, all existing as NFTs. As of March 15th, 2022, the whitelist sale for the Horse-riding Avatars is in process.

These Silk Genesis Avatars shall participate in Metaversal horse races online, bring rewards to the holders in form of Fungible Tokens, and thus contribute to the ever-growing economy of P2E.

This article takes you through the Game of Silk teams NFTs racecourse, the unique proposition the Silk NFT project offers, the relationship between the different collections of NFTs, the sales, and lastly, how this project brings the real world closer to Web 3. Read along!

Silk NFT: A Brief Overview Of The Game Of Silks NFT

Silks NFT items 10,000
Silk NFT Owners TBD
Silks NFT Floor price TBD
Silk NFT Volume Traded TBD


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Everything About Silk Genesis Avatars:

Glassy race-suited avatars shall take over the horses and participate in the online Thoroughbred races. The Silks Genesis Avatars will be your key to unlocking the Silks Metaverse and becoming part of the Silk game, its community, and the future of thoroughbred horse

The Purpose of the Silks NFT

In the complete timeline of the Game of Silks NFT, there shall exist a total of 4 NFT collectibles:

SILK NFT Mint Price


Another digital asset is the uniform that represents the identity of every race owner. To be eligible to buy horse Silks NFT, It is mandatory for a user to own racing silks NFT. Racing Silks NFT will represent the ownership of horses and every horse owner who owns a racing Silks NFT as well will be rewarded with STT tokens when their horses win races in the real world.

Silk Horses NFT :

These Silk Horses shall be the centerpiece of all the NFTs under the umbrella of the Silk project. And this NFT is what makes the project unlike any other. Every single horse Silks NFT is a 1/1 piece attached to a physical, real horse.

However, those real-world horses would be a year old or called yearlings. Once they get older, every Game of Silks NFT holder shall get rewards as P2E tokens if their physical horse wins. This project strives to cater to audiences that love Thoroughbred racing, as well as crypto, thus tying both worlds up.

Silk Land NFT :

Since it’s a Metaverse project, land can be bought as NFTs too. 202,500 acres of virtual land divided into plots of one acre each will be listed for sale for Silk NFT horse owners. Each plot will be depicted by its unique coordinates. These plots will be used to build house farms for horse owners. The Silk Landowners can win rewards by staking their horses on the farm.

Silk Stables NFT :

Another Silks NFT includes a collection of stables. Silk Stables are used for housing horses. Each horse farm can be built on a minimum of 10 acres of land and can be as big as 100 acres. The smallest farm can accommodate one virtual stable that can house 10 horses. In the future, a user will be able to trade farms as well.

Silk NFT Community For DAO.

Silk NFT Tokens

This forms the complete ecosystem for the Game of Silks NFT. Apart from the Crypto gaming angle, the Game of Silks NFT team also focuses on building their community as DAO.

Whispers from Discord confirm the existence of two tokens in their roadmap. $SLK as their DAO governance token, and $STT as their P2E rewards token. The functionality of the tokens is explored in the roadmap section.

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Important Dates For The Silks NFT Project

The Silks NFT team stated that Q1 of 2022 sees their Genesis mint with the Avatars NFT. After that, there shall be an inaugural launch of the Horses Silks NFT. And in midst of Q1 to Q2 (2022) various giveaways and airdrops to take place.

  • Silk NFT Mint Price On The Launch Date

Since as of March 15th, 2022, whitelisting is still going on and early access is being distributed to the ardent members on the Game of Silks NFT discord server, the Silks NFT mint price has not been officially announced yet. Although, Game of Silks NFT Twitter and Discord are likely to see that announcement as Q1 ends.

The Silk NFT Roadmap, The Discourse Etched On The Racecourse

SILK NFT Genesis Avatar Price

The roadmap for the Silks NFT begins with the Genesis mint in late March of 2022. This Mint is for the Avatars in the Game of Silks Metaverse. Every holder of this NFT procures an assortment of utilities from exclusive access to real-world yearling mint, to access to airdrops, to invite to real-world events, and an exclusive Genisis Holder Status in Discord and their DAO as a whole.

The next step in their roadmap is one of the most enticing propositions seen in NFT history. Post Q1 and Avatar launch, the Horse Silks NFT collection is set to launch. This comes in tandem with the ability to Mint a real-world yearling Thoroughbred horse, tied to every NFT. This shall be a blind sale and shall be open to the holders of Avatars. 

The competition of the progressive launch of all collections under the Silk NFT shall mark the initiation of its DAO. This DAO shall be governed with the $SLK token, which is mined by the holders of the community.

With governance tokens and NFTs, the members are all set to participate in the varying scale of activities in their Metaverse and earn rewards for themselves.

Participating can be done by engaging in purchases of NFT, conversion of lands to horse farms, where horses can be trained and their value can be amplified, entering horse ownership pools, and lastly participating in races. 

From the participation, rewards can be siphoned in the following ways: Staking of Horse NFTs, mixed blend of luck and skill for real-world Thoroughbred horse races, breeding horses, and by participating in real-world events and airdrops.

Their NFTs roadmap takes several keys, hooks, and ideas from the real-diverse world of Thoroughbred racing. More of their plans shall be revealed on their website post-April 2022.

The Silk NFT Sales And Statistics For The Project

The Silk NFT Floor Price

As of 15th March 2022, the Project exists in its early access phase, and whitelisting is done by monitoring engagement on several platforms. Hence, the Silks NFT floor price is undefined as of this date.

The SILK NFT Total Volume Traded

As of March 15th, the volume traded has not been open to the public since the early access funds are being collected in the Silks DAO treasury.

The SILK NFT Price Prediction 2022

Talking about the mint price at launch, the Silks NFT price prediction can be marked anywhere between 0.08 to 0.2 ETH, according to conversational patterns observed on their Discord server.

How To Buy Silks NFT 

Since there exists no Silks NFT OpenSea page, as of mid-March 2022, the question of how to buy Silks NFT finds its answer in the future, in the Q2 of this year. As of 15th March, you can apply for early access to their community on their website here

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Everything About Silk Genesis Avatars:

All About $SST And $SLT Tokens From Game of Silks NFT

Game of Silks NFT will reward players and miners separately with two different fungible tokens. All the players will be rewarded with $SST tokens by participating in skating, racing, and breeding horses. Token $SST can be further used to buy Silks NFTs (horses, horse farms, land, stable)

All the miners and contributors to the Silks ecosystem will be rewarded with another fungible token $STT. Both fungible tokens can be traded with each other.

In conclusion…

The Silk NFT project sets itself apart from the others by bringing a new flavor to the NFT space. And with the extensive array of reward-generating mechanisms, this can be of great value to its holders.

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